Lindsay McMahon
"The English Adventurer"

It’s important to be able to talk about your interests and passions in order to connect with people.

We’ll show you how to do it today.

Why do we need passions in life?

The word “passion” is a big word and can stress people out.

It’s ok if you have a lot of smaller passions or interests. It doesn’t have to be something huge.

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.”


I think Oprah is right.

When we find something that we love it gives us energy.

It comes from a deep place inside of us that is honest and true.

It feels very natural to participate in your passion.

It’s not work. The wind is at your back.

It is better to have one passion and focus heavily on that or is it better to have many passions and just enjoy all of them?

Michelle thinks it depends on what you are using your passion for.

Some people want to have their work be their passion.

Other people want to explore their passions outside of the workplace.

If it’s your work then Michelle thinks you should focus 100% on it but if it’s a hobby then maybe it’s better to keep it lighter and use it to build a dynamic life.

Phrases to talk about your passion:

  • “I’m (really) into…” = I’m interested in.
    • Example: “I’m really into comedy”
  • “These days I’m jazzed about…”
    • Example: “These days I’m jazzed about entrepreneurship, testing ideas, and the marketplace.”
  • “I feel passionate about…”
    • Example: “I feel passionate about cooking.”
  • “I get really fired up about…”
    • Example: “I get really fired up about comedy.”

What are you passionate about?

Practice what you learned in the episode today.

Write your responses in the comments section below.

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